Simple Future Tense - Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

Simple Future Tense - Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat
Simple Future Tense - Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

Simple future tense merupakan suatu bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, secara spontan maupun terencana.

Tense yang satu ini juga dapat digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat conditional (Conditional Sentence).

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Pengertian Simple Future Tense
Pengertian Simple Future Tense     

Rumus Simple Future Tense dan contohnya
Rumus Simple Future Tense dan contohnya

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  1. Name : Aninda Aryani
    NIM : 18011005

    My Business plan is make my own brand totebag. With a design that I made myself. I will market it to students who like trends. the totebag that I will make definitely has a different design. So the totebag is limited edition and guaranteed quality. I think totebag is much popular with students because of its simple and trendy shape. So in my opinion if I have a totebag with its own brand, there would be many people who are interest to it.

  2. Name : Nita indah pangesti
    Nim : 180103020

    My business plan is to make a banana-based snack product named NIPANG, my target market is students and lecturers and the community around me. Besides that, I also started to promote my product through social media, I am sure that with an affordable price, my product can be enjoyed by anyone.

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. My name is Endah Sulistyowati. I was a student of the accounting program. Now I'm working on an online business called organic face mask with instagram media. Been in and out of business for about two months now. My plan would sell a variety of cheap and safe face masks for use. If I ever get so much capital, I'll make my own brand face mask and market it with a system that channels to a distributor's maximum of two in every province. Afterwards each distributor will channel back into a reseller. The financial department is still in my hands. I do my own advertising, packaging, and sales. In the future I hope to have an employee and operator who specializes in packaging. Certainly all my business plans wouldn't have gone on without the struggles and fervent prayers of my parents. I ran this business to increase my money during college and took up the barista post at one of the cafes in jogjakarta. I sold sales in January 2020 with a capital of 1500.000. and now after 2 months it has returned. My college friends also bought me some merchandise. May my business plan come through one day. Amen. Happy reading to miss Anita, inspire me. thanks

    Endah S / 18013006

  5. Name : Dea Paramitha
    NIM : 18011008
    Prodi : Manajemen

    My business plan is make consumers more free to enjoy a variety of snacks, I offer a product based on banana which I named Banana Ball. The reason I offer this product is that bananas are especially popular snacks by people from various groups and various levels, making this product is not so difficult, because the material is easy to obtain and does not require too many processes, to make this product I need the main ingredient of bananas. It tastes good and the vitamin content in bananas is good for health, able to attract the interest of consumers, because I am a banana company trying to present healthy snacks that are fit for consumption.

  6. Name : yohanes vianei dosinaeng
    Nim : 18011029

    my business is a dropship business where I sell jackets for teenagers to the target market it's clear I am targeting students and parallels, I also promote it through social media, one of the names of the social media is on instagram

  7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


  8. I apologize, miss Anita, for my poor use of grammar. I add that there are many business plans. What I mentioned earlier was one of the few business plans I was working on. 😬

  9. Hello miss Anita!
    I want to tell you my dream about business plan. In the future I will build my own cafe or restaurant. I think the concept will be Indonesian-South Korean food because I like K-Pop but also I won't to lose the Indonesian culture. I will mix the culture of Indonesia and South Korea for my cafe concept. So Indonesian people and K-Pop fans can feel enjoy at my cafe. That's all about my business plan. Thank you.

    Gita Kumalasari / 18013025

  10. name: Redianto Management major hi :), I am usually called as abil, semester 4 at stiebbank yogyakarta. at this time indeed I have no business that I run. but I went to college while working in one of the simple coffee shops on Jl.monjali. about my business plan going forward. I want to have a T-shirt business, maybe you could say it is engaged in convection. with the brand that I will build. God willing, if Allah provided a fortune for my fortune in collecting capital. this year I started pioneering business with my colleague who is really good at t-shirt design. for marketing strategies and others of course I prepare too. I think this is enough just a summary of the business plan that I will run. please pray for it from the readers so that I will be given a smooth fortune and can raise capital to run my business remcana and hopefully my goals in 2020 can be realized everything. aminnnnnmm. Thank you..

  11. Name : Muhammad Abdol Kemas Saputro
    NIM : 18011020

    My business plan is as a graphic design freelancer, my business includes several aspects including logo design, pamphlets, banners, etc. my business is arguably a business that does not rely on large capital because my business is engaged in the service business, the thing that makes me interested in this business is because this job is a hobby that I have lived for a long time, arguably this is my passion, my talent, or the road my life, I hope that in the future I can develop my business that might move in advertising maybe that's all I can say

  12. Fani kristinawati
    My business plan can process the salacca myself. Now I just a reseller geplak salacca. And processed the salacca crisps , dodol ,and drink the salacca. Snack food made in Magelang.
    target ahead could expand processed and own salacca
    Thank you

  13. Name : Ivon Issabel (18011013)

    If I am given more fortune, then I will make a small business. My business plan is to make my own producing snacks with menus such as french fries, fried sausages, grilled sausages and others. And there are also contemporary drinks. I will market it in front of Indomaret, Alfamaret, SunMor and also the area around the campus.

  14. Nama : Yohana Gaja Muda
    NIM : 18013018

    My business plan is to make online shop. In the online shop the products sold are women's clothes, shoes and women's accessories. Promotion through my friends, the community around me and also via social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, my target market is all communities and for prices that can be affordable by all communities both students, employees and ordinary people.

  15. In my future plans, I want to make a wedding organizer. I made this effort with the knowledge I gained while in vocational high school. At that time, I was taught how to organize an event, to be taught about what equipment was needed in making an event, and what things needed to be considered in detail. The knowledge that I gained in theory at school, I developed it again in my training place, the grand zuri hotel. At the training venue, I was taught not only theory, but practiced directly. Starting from how to decorate the room, the arrangement of tableware, buffet arrangement, and how to work together in a team. Not just a wedding event, but there are many events that I've worked with my team, such as birthday events, table manner events, and large meetings. In addition to the experience I gained, I also have a brother who has a sound system business that has collaborated with other wedding organizers in Yogyakarta. With the ideas and relationships that I have, I also hope to collaborate and develop my ideas so that they can become a real effort for the future.


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